CKJS Remote Learning
Charlton Kings Junior School
Remote Learning Information
Charlton Kings Junior School’s Remote Learning Goals:
- To stay connected with children and families
- To give our children access to quality learning in all foreseeable situations
- To mirror as closely as possible our broad and balanced in-school curriculum
- To support children, parents and families with daily routine and expectations
- To have regular contact with our children through Microsoft Teams
If you do not have digital or online access at home, please contact Reception. The school may be able to help by lending devices or by supporting internet connection. Alternatively, paper based materials can be provided by arrangement.
There are three possible scenarios (Level 1, 2, 3) where remote learning will be provided.
Level 1 : a child is required to self-isolate because a family member has symptoms of an infectious illness, such as Coronavirus, and is waiting for a test/result or because of NHS/Public Health instruction.
Day 1: First Full Day of Absence (no work set)
- Admin staff to inform teacher that child is self-isolating/ awaiting test results.
- Children to read for a minimum of thirty minutes and to complete all outstanding homework (including spellings). In addition they should access Purple Mash, BBC Bitesize or Oak National Academy to complete an activity linked with their in-school topic.
Day 2 – 14:
- Resources and assignments will be provided through Microsoft Teams.
- Every day, three assignments will be provided: English, Maths and Science or a foundation subject (some assignments may run for more than one day).
- Parents will help children access Teams daily to collect new work and submit work completed.
- All work assignments should be completed and submitted as soon as possible.
- Staff are not expected to give feedback on every piece of work.
- Parents should email via with any questions or difficulties.
- During each full week of isolation, the child will be contacted at least once either via Teams or by phone.
If the child is ill, there is no expectation to complete or return work. If the child is in isolation or quarantine than they will need to complete and submit all work set.
Level 2: a whole class or year group is instructed to stay at home (including staff)
Day 1: First Full Day of Absence (Admin Day – no work set)
- Admin staff to inform parents that children are to remain home, and for how long (if known).
- Advice from NHS, DfE or Gloucestershire Local Authority followed.
- Children to read for a minimum of thirty minutes, complete all outstanding homework (including spellings) and access Purple Mash, BBC Bitesize or Oak National Academy to complete an activity linked with their in-school topic.
Day 2-14:
- A live morning introduction to the day’s learning and assignments will be given over Teams. This may be delivered by the class teacher or another member of staff in case of illness. This will be recorded and can be viewed later if access is unavailable at the time of the live introduction.
- Every day, three assignments and the necessary resources will be provided through Teams: English, Maths and Science or a foundation subject
- Remote teaching for each English and Maths assignment will be provided over Teams. This may take the form of a recorded lesson, a screencast, a link to the Oak National Academy or another high-quality online resource.
- A teacher will host an afternoon class Teams call to discuss the morning’s activities and provide group feedback.
- Children (with support from parents) are to submit/upload all completed work on Teams – this may be photographic evidence or documents.
- Staff will offer feedback as appropriate to support learning and progress – they will not offer individual feedback on every piece of work from every pupil.
- A daily recorded reading of the class reading book will be posted on Teams.
- The government expect pupils to work at home as they would in school. All work must be completed and submitted via Teams. Work can be completed online or on paper and photographed/uploaded if preferred or required.
- Exercise books will be sent home so the children have access to paper should they need/wish to work on this.
- For children with an EHCP, work will be tailored to meet their educational needs. Additional support and guidance will be provided by staff.
Level 3: the entire school is instructed to close due to a health and safety issue or advice from Public Health, DfE or Gloucestershire LA.
Should this level be reached, the daily provision will be the same as Level 2, with the following adjustments:
- Recorded teaching videos or screencasts may be hosted by any member of the year group teaching team.
- A weekly assembly will be broadcast over Teams by Mrs Selwood or a member of the SLT.
- Padlets may be set up so the children can stay in touch and communicate with each other, if the closure is likely to be longer term.
In addition to the provision outlined above, a selection of quality online learning resources can be found on our school website: